Visão Dual
Sobre tecnologia e afins...

Second Act

By Márcio

Second Act is an online retailer of HDTVs and related products. They are an authorized dealer of Sharp, Samsung, Toshiba, Denon, Marantz, JVC, Hitachi and more. They are opportunity buyers specializing in HDTVs. You will find product that is factory refurbished, factory closeouts and overstocks, end-of-life, open box and more. If they sell a product, they are most likely the lowest cost provider of it on the Internet.

They offer a Great Deal of the Day feature that even further discounts a single item for a 24 hour period. The deal changes daily at 7am cst. The deal can be found here: and users can sign up to receive it via email or RSS.

If you are looking for great deals on HDTVs, Second Act is where they can be found.



If you are in the market for a brand spanking new mailbox set up I have found the place for you!

Just one of the interesting residential mailboxes that I found was the Residential bobi mailboxes that come complete with posts. They are a completely different shape that a regular dome shaped mailbox and are metal and come in a wide array of different colors to boot!

If you are a business that is looking for commercial mailboxes they have you covered there as well! All different shapes, sizes, styles, and colors to fit your individual needs. Complete packages are available or just the mailbox!

Also if you live in a very populated area or even rural they have wall mount mailboxes available to fit almost any house decor and style.

Check them out and see what you can find today! They even offer free shipping on some of there items. There truly is something for everyone.


Poker For Mac Users

By Márcio

If you own a Mac and is also a poker fan, then I am sure you know it is not easy to find a website to play online poker. Well, look no further. is a website which has a comprehensive list of the best poker sites to play poker for Mac users.

On this website, you may download games like Pacific Poker, Fulltilt Poker, Poker Stars and Party Poker. Apart from that, you may also learn a thing or two on how to play games such as Texas Holdem, Omaha Poker, Five Card Stud and more. also offers tips and strategies on how to play your favourite poker games. As there is always something new going on in the world of Mac online poker, you can get the latest updates and discoveries on the Mac Poker News section.

I find this website very easy to navigate and well set-up. The folks at have certainly done a great job in creating this website which lists out the safest and best online poker sites for Mac users. Head over to today for some fun poker games.


Now a days travelling has been a part of every body's life. Every one would like to spend his vacation in a beautiful place, but it is very important to ensure that you know more about the place your will visit. At Realtravel you can find a lot of information about all kind of destinations, the best of all is the fact that you can read personal experiences from real people. The best way to get recommendations before travelling and a precious help to people who wants to plan a travel at

I found this website when I was trying to get more details about one of my favourite places, French Polynesia (who doesn't like it?), one of the most blogged destinations :P

For all that likes to travel, a good website to bookmark.


While searching the web for online learning tools, I found Tutor Vista at

Tutor Vista is a strong online tutoring system. Is the confluence of two well known trends on now days, global educational resources and the powerful tool named Internet, with the goal of helping students through a one-on-one tutoring system.

The students can use Tutor Vista 24/7, seven days a week via Internet, access to homework help as well prepare for exams with personal tutor help.

This educational environment allows students to communicate with tutors through voice, writing and whiteboard. You can find highly trained tutors for almost subjects, Math, English, Algebra, Physics, Biology and much more. Tutor Vista’s services are very easy to use, you can try it by yourself at


Leaving the rat race and moving someplace more livable to run your home based business on the internet?

It’s a wonderful idea… lots of people are leaving high priced real estate zones, taking the equity, moving to smaller towns buying an equally big house and putting the balance in savings to get them established in their new dream home.
But moving to this new paradise can be traumatic. In my experience, moving to a new real estate market can cost you money. If all you know about your relocation is what some agent tells you, you’re likely to get snookered because nobody feels too bad about ripping the “city slicker” (I’ve heard them talk about you after you went back home!) It may be smart before buying real estate to rent in your new paradise first. offers people moving to their “paradise” the opportunity to avoid a fleecing. It offers you help in getting a feeling for the details of the local situation regarding that particular insurance, homeowners insurance, and even health insurance there.Moving? You may want to check it out.


iCopy, uma pequena aplicação open-source mas que se pode revelar de bastante utilidade para quem tem uma impressora e um scanner. Pode assim, com apenas um botão transformar dois devices numa autêntica fotocopiadora. Muito simples e e sem necessidade de instalação, mais uma aplicação portable.


Muitos de nós já se sentiram tentados a ganhar uns cobres com os nossos blogs à custa de publicidade como o Adsense do Google, há mesmo quem dedique o seu blog inteiramente a esta temática. Foi num desses blogs que ouvi falar do WidgetBucks e por curiosidade registei-me no site para ver como é aquilo realmente funciona. Fiquei contente só pelo facto de não ter que preencher um formulário de vinte e três mil perguntas para efectuar o registo. Mal entrei reparei no seguinte :

Ao que parece oferecem $25 de bónus pela inscrição, meio de caminho andado para poder receber o primeiro cheque (também dá por paypal), isto porque o valor mínimo para o pagamento é de $50.

O seu aspecto simples e estatísticas de cliques e impressões de páginas em quase tempo real agradaram-me, diferente do Google adsense que penso ter um desfasamento temporal ainda significativo.

Na minha opinião, tem ainda um conjunto reduzido de formatos de widgets mas com uma paleta de cores que permite melhorar a sua integração a nível visual com o blog :

O aspecto dinâmico dos seus widgets, através de slide de imagens poderá limitar um pouco a sua utilização para quem não gosta deste tipo de publicidade. Esperemos por mais opções.


Para aqueles que não têm pachorra para dobrar a roupa, em particular as camisas de manga curta (como dizia quando era puto) ou T-shirts para o resto do mundo, aqui fica uma solução bem prática e rápida :


Com pouco tempo de prática consegue-se ter resultados já satisfatórios :-)


Lavagem de dados

Posted In: . By Pedro

Ainda que involuntariamente hoje procedi à lavagem de dados. Estava a tirar a roupa da máquina quando ouço um "Plong!" audível de dentro do tambor da máquina. Olhei lá para dentro, vi a minha pen drive e pensei para mim "Então era aí que estavas!". Já a pensar em comprar uma nova, decidi colocá-la uns 5 minutos ao sol antes de a experimentar. Pen ligada ao USB e qual não é o meu espanto, a luz acende, o SO detecta-a e consigo ver e abrir os ficheiros que continha. Fantástico! Nunca pensei que sobrevivesse. Até merece que diga que a marca da mesma é Swissbit.

Tenho de volta a minha pen com um cheirinho a amaciador que nem vos conto.


Ubuntu Bug #1

Posted In: , . By Pedro

Sei que isto é muito velho (2004!), mas é novo para mim. Como nunca tinha andado pela lista de bugs do Ubuntu e como tal nunca tinha deparado com o Bug #1:

Microsoft has a majority market share in the new desktop PC marketplace. This is a bug, which Ubuntu is designed to fix.

Non-free software is holding back innovation in the IT industry, restricting access to IT to a small part of the world's population and limiting the ability of software developers to reach their full potential, globally. This bug is widely evident in the PC industry.
Steps to repeat:
1. Visit a local PC store.
What happens:
2. Observe that a majority of PCs for sale have non-free software pre-installed.
3. Observe very few PCs with Ubuntu and free software pre-installed.
What should happen:
1. A majority of the PCs for sale should include only free software like Ubuntu.
2. Ubuntu should be marketed in a way such that its amazing features and benefits would be apparent and known by all.
3. The system shall become more and more user friendly as time passes.

O bug é facilmente reproduzível cá no burgo e ainda me estou a rir com a descrição e com os comentários do Bug.


É bem conhecida a arte da retórica entre os nossos políticos. Agora imaginem o que é estes senhores falarem de algo mais técnico perante uma assembleia, o resultado é fantástico :

Cantores líricos a tentarem cantar ao desafio.

Resumindo :

bla bla bla, software livre pode trazer vantagens
bla,bla,bla, temos de defender a liberdade de escolha
bla bla bla, software comercial diferente de software proprietário
bla,bla,bla, mas temos de defender a liberdade de escolha
bla bla bla, mas o senhor pode escolher, mas para isso precisa de ter as soluções à seu dispor
bla bla bla, mas temos de defender a liberdade de escolha
bla bla bla, podemos instalar um programita no seu PC, e só o utiliza se quiser
bla bla bla, mas temos de defender a liberdade de escolha
bla bla bla, a Microsoft é bicho papão
bla bla bla, mas temos de defender a liberdade de escolha
bla bla bla, é a info submissão dos senhores deputados
bla bla bla, Senhores deputados não havendo mais intervenientes, passamos ao seguinte diploma...


Visão Dual de cara nova

Posted In: . By Márcio

Depois de um período sem dar "notícias", o Visão Dual apresenta-se de cara lavada. Sem razão aparente, este blog aos poucos começou a definhar devido à baixa assíduidade com que os seus autores escreviam. Esperamos que esta "lavagem" ajude a refrescar as ideias e desta forma tornar este blog mais activo.

Obrigado por nos continuarem a seguir.