Acerca desta história da Micro$soft e das patentes, a (falta de) credibilidade do departamento de patentes norte americano pode ser vista aqui:
Actually Yoga is come in to existence in India. Patanjali Yoga Shastra is written before 5000 years in India. Today which all Yoga Asans are performed, has mentioned in Patanjali Yoga Shastra. That means Yoga originate is in India. India must take steps against this movement and USA Patent office should stop giving patents of Yoga.
According to a report, USA Patent and Trademark office has given 150 copyrights related to Yoga not only that but also have given trademarks related to 134 instruments of Yoga and 2,315 Yoga trademark.
0 Responses to 5000 anos depois o Yôga é patenteado nos EUA
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